Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

dika dunk and ratih dink :)

Blog is short for Weblog, a term first used by Jorn Barger in December 1997. Jorn Barger used the term to describe a group Weblog personal website is always updated continuously and contains links to other websites that they find interesting along with the comments of their own.
Blog then developed to find the form in accordance with the wishes of the manufacturer or the Blogger. A blog that was originally a "track record" someone on the Internet, which links to websites visited and considered attractive, then becomes much more interesting than a list of links. This is because the Blogger usually also do not forget to pin the comments "smart" their personal opinions, and even expressing their sarcasm on the link they make.
Of the comments were usually blog then becomes a window that allows us to "peek" the contents of the head and the daily life of its creator. Blogs are an easy way to get to know someone's personality Blogger. The topics of what she likes and she does not like, what he thought of the links that he chose, what the response to an issue. Usually depicted entirely clear from his blog. Because it is a very personal blog. Roger Yim, a columnist for the San Francisco Gate article in February 2001, wrote that a blog is a cross between a person's diary and a list of links on the Internet. Scott Rosenberg was in his column in the online magazine Salon in May 1999 concluded that the restrictions are on the website blog more lifeless than just a collection of links but less instrospektif than just a diary that is stored on the internet.
Other developments of the Blog and Blog even when no longer contain the links but just be writing about what a Blogger think, feel, to what he does everyday. Blog Online Diary then also be located on the Internet. The only thing that distinguishes Blog Diary or Journal of the ordinary we have is that the blog is created to read others. Bloggers with a deliberately designed his blog and its contents to be enjoyed by others.
History Blog
The first blog is most likely the page What's New at Mosaic browser created by Marc Andersen in 1993. If we still remember, Mosaic was the first browser before adanyaInternet Explorer even before Netscape. Then in January 1994 Justin Hall started his personal website Justin's Home Page which then turn into Links from the Underground which may be called the first blog as we know it today.
Until 1998, the number of blog that's out there is not yet amount to much. This is because the time required expertise and specialized knowledge of website creation, HTML, and web hosting to create a blog, so that only those working in the fields of Internet, System Administrator or Web Designer who later in his spare time to create their own Blog-Blog.
In August 1999, a Silicon Valley company called Pyra Labs launched its Blogger.com service that allows anyone with basic knowledge of HTML can create his own blog online and free.Although before that (July 1999) create a blog online service and free the existing Pitas and Blogger has made increased to hundreds, but the blog has never increased so much that many Blogger.com appears in the world of the blog's. Blogger.com itself now has up to 100,000 Bloggers who use their services to the growing number of about 20% per month. Blogger.com and Pitas are certainly not alone, creator of the blog online service also provided by Grouksoup, Edit this Page and also Velocinews.
Blog Since then grow increasingly more difficult to follow it up.Eatonweb Portal is one of the most complete list of Blogs that exist now among a list of other blog. Blog thousands later emerged, and each chose their own topics bahasannya, starting from how to be good parents, hobbies watching movies, political topics, health, sex, sports, comic books and all sorts again. In fact there Blogger Blog about weird stuff sold on Ebay auction site called Who Would By That?. Cameron Barrett wrote in his blog essay titled Anatomy of a Weblog that explained the theme of the blog. "Blogs are often very focused on a unique subject that is a basic topic and / or a concept that brings together the themes of the Blog." In simple terms a Blog is the topic of the Blogger his power with no editor or boss who interfered, as crazy as any theme can usually be found in line with the increasing emergence of Blog on the Internet. And yes, the idea was unthinkable, even now have made a Blogger Blog from Blog, and even from the Blog from Blog Blog.
Of so many existing Blog, Blog-Blog that set the standard of well-known blog and so have their own fans include Jorn Barger's Blog, Robot Wisdom that was mentioned is the largest and most useful blog where every day he handed the many links established of interest in the arts and technology. Camworld is a popular Blog Barretseorang Cameron's Interactive Designer, where he categorize the topics in the category of his blog, Random Thoughts, Web Design and New Media. Camworld may be cited as a classic in the sense Blogs Blog contains an exact dosage of the character and personal opinion is mixed with its link keselektifan election.
Other notable blogs such as, "Obscure Store" owned by Jim Romenesko http://www.obscurestore.com/ that provides links themed news and gossip, and little things are a little lead to the underground movement, Lawrence Lee is also a day to update his blog , Tomalak's Realm with links to news on the Net Web Design and Business. Memepool with a choice collection of its unique link with intelligent analysis also favored as a special blog. Kottke.org an interesting Blog Jason Kottke's a Web designer who lives in San Francisco, on his blog he writes that his blog is a way to fill free time to reconstitute the writings, designs and his critical skill. Do not forget the Blog's Dave Winer, Scripting News, one of the first Blog that provide many links about programming.
Blogging is currently one of the activities that must be done every day for some people, especially for people who frequently interact with the internet. The motivation for blogging those stamps also diverse, from which only wants to make the blog as a personal diary to share life experiences, as a media to share with everyone sharing ideas to the media profit seeking additional money, for yan latter is not infrequently the bloggers make revenue from their blogs as a primary livelihood.

Speaking about the blog will surely offend what blog platform that will be used. For now there are some blog platforms that you can use for free, but among the various platforms there are 2 of the most famous of google blogspot or commonly called a blogger and wordpress. Both the blog platform is now ranked top blog platform play most in use, in addition to a wide range of convenience too many free blog templates available.

Usually the choice of the first blog platform in use by a blogger would be the favorite platform for a long time, unless the person is found significant obstacles one day. At first I use to learn blogging blogspot but the development needs of the author can not be accommodated by just one blog platform, what exactly is the superiority and advantages of blogspot and wordpres? And who is the best? For this reason we discuss masi blogger vs wordpress comparison below:


Blogspot: Currently blogspot has had a new dashboard layout, the authors feel this new dashboard easier to use and more responsive for the use of AJAX technology, but to be able to enjoy this new dashboard javascrip the browser must be switched
Wordpress: Display dashboard that is used by wordpress has not undergone many changes, which means it is sekalugus allow a user because it does not need to adjust to the new dashboard

Theme customization

Blogspot: To enhance the appearance of many bloggers who blog deals with the design change itself or of the templates available on the internet, for those of you who have more skills in programming this blogger template websites can be changed such that the roots.
Wordpress: Display on wordpress blog can only be changed if you use wordpress self hosting is that you host on your own server, if ana only use the free service of wordpress you will only have a standard template which you can use.

Import articles

Blogspot: Blogspot can only import articles from other blogs that are both using blogspot.
Wordpress: In order to import articles wordperss affairs better, you can move and copy your articles from other Wordpress, typepad, yahoo 360, Tumblr and Blogger.

Image Storage

Blogspot: Storage picture provided by blogspot in one account is of 1GB, bloggers do not have a specific dashboard to see what files you have uploaded prior, jai you might be a little difficult to find your old pictures or photographs.
Wordpress: Wordpress For business image storage provides space for up to 3GB, and the wordpress dashboard also provides a display for the search gabar-old image that you upload your.

Post By Email

Blogspot and Wordpress has been equally able to receive posts via email sent to directly display at the blog, this feature allows you to blog if you have had a freelance writer than you.


Blogspot: For business-advertise as additional advertising for your search blogger easier to use because of the blogger, a subsidiary of google so you can easily put an ad from adsense in your blog, where you will be paid to every person who clicks on ads that are on the blog you, this may be you make as your sideline
Wordpress: wordpress policy of banning advertising for every account that created may be a little difficult for you in this regard. To be able to put ads on your own blog danda can use wordpress self hosting.


Similarly, some explanation of the comparison between the wordpress blog with blogspot that you must know before you make a blog. If the look even further there own advantages and disadvantages of each blog platform, so maybe we can not say who the best, but more precise if we choose as appropriate, if you want a blog template that can be replaced easily and looking for extra income through advertising you can use blogspot.

For those of you who want the ease of use you may be able to use wordpres.
Especially for those of you who have more capabilities in terms of programming mugnkin website hosting your own WordPress that you can be an alternative option because it has particularly advantages not possessed by the second platform on the blog.

For further please feel free to try, and direct practice, because with practice you will feel its own advantages and disadvantages Kedia blog platform above and you can customize to your needs, read the article How to create a blog in blogspot tutorial to create a blog on blogger.

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